Simulation : Rock Paper Scissors


Zero Player Battle-Royal, Rock vs Paper vs Scissors

The game of Rock vs Paper vs Scissors is a battle-royal simulation where three teams are generated and spawned to fight each other. It is a zero player game, meaning that no human intervention is required to play. It follows the classic rules, paper beats rock, rock beats scissors, scissors beats paper, the objective of the game is for one team to emerge as the winner.

You may be wondering why this zero player game exists if it seems pointless. Well, sometimes things are just fun to make. The game is designed to provide entertainment and enjoyment, even though the outcomes are completely random.

Each time the game is played, three teams of equal size are spawned in random places. The teams consist of players representing paper, scissors, and rock. The game then simulates the battles between the teams, with the results being just as random as the initial team placements.

The game offers a simple and lighthearted way to pass the time and enjoy the thrill of competition, even if it is just a virtual simulation. So, if you're looking for a fun and mindless game to play, give Rock vs Paper vs Scissors a try. You never know which team will come out victorious in this unpredictable and amusing simulation.

Team Behaviour

In the game of Rock vs Paper vs Scissors, the team members exhibit some basic behaviour, although it may not be very smart. Each team member follows a few simple rules to navigate the game:

  1. Move away from the closest threat, unless there is a target to eliminate closer. This rule ensures that team members prioritize their safety and avoid immediate danger.
  2. Move towards the closest target to eliminate. Team members actively seek out opponents to engage in battle and eliminate them from the game.
  3. If there are no threats or targets within 20% of the game area, move back to the center. This rule prevents team members from wandering too far away from the action and keeps them engaged in the game.

With these three main rules, along with a few minor ones, the teams take on a life of their own. The interactions between team members can vary from a complex game of cat and mouse to a chaotic bloodbath. The outcome of each battle is unpredictable, adding to the excitement and thrill of the simulation.

So, while the team members may not possess advanced intelligence, their behaviour creates an interesting dynamic within the game. It's fascinating to observe how the teams strategize and adapt to the ever-changing circumstances, making each play-through unique and entertaining.

Mindless Fun

The end result of the Rock vs Paper vs Scissors game simulation is an entertaining mix of what appears to be intelligent behavior. While the team members may not possess advanced intelligence, their adherence to the basic rules creates a fascinating dynamic within the game. Each play-through is unique and unpredictable, adding to the excitement and thrill of the simulation.

As the teams navigate the game, they exhibit behaviors that mimic strategic decision-making. The team members move away from threats, prioritize eliminating targets, and return to the center when there are no immediate dangers or targets nearby. These simple rules give the illusion of intelligent decision-making, as the teams strategize and adapt to the ever-changing circumstances.

The interactions between team members can range from complex cat and mouse games to chaotic battles. It's intriguing to observe how the teams navigate the game area, seeking out opponents and engaging in battles. The outcome of each battle is uncertain, making the simulation even more captivating.

In conclusion, the end result of the Rock vs Paper vs Scissors game simulation is an entertaining mix of seemingly intelligent behavior. The basic rules followed by the team members create a dynamic and unpredictable gameplay experience. Whether it's a strategic maneuver or a chaotic clash, each play-through offers a unique and thrilling experience for players and spectators alike.