Pixel Art : Circle Generator


Easily create retro-style pixelated circles for retro art, or for games such as Minecraft or Terraria. Dot by dot build the perfect cicle for your next project. The output of pixel circle generator provides an easy to use guide, so you can follow the patterns to draw out your pixel circle in a consistent low-rez format.

Simply follow the guide, dot by dot, and you'll be able to build the ideal circle for your next project. Whether you're building an 8-bit sprite, designing a game level, or just adding a retro touch to your artwork, the pixel circle generator makes it easy to create the perfect circle every time.

The output from the pixel circle generator provides an easy-to-use guide, so you can follow the patterns to draw out your pixel circle in a consistent low-rez format. This allows you to focus on the creative aspect of your project rather than worrying about the technical details of drawing a circle. You'll be able to create circles quickly and easily, whether you're an experienced artist or just starting out. Plus, with the low-resolution format, your pixelated circles will fit right in with the retro aesthetic of your project. With the pixel circle generator, you can spend less time worrying about your circles and more time creating your next masterpiece.


This option allows to push or pull the line inwards or further outside the circle line. Positive numbers (e.g. 0.04) will create a rounder shape. Negative numbers (e.g. -0.04) will create a squarer shape.

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Version History

16 Feb 2023
pixel/generators 0.4

addedOval generator

5 Jul 2022
pixel/generators 0.3.2

addedMinecraft 2x2 font
addedAdditional characters and other imporements

11 Feb 2022
pixel/generators 0.3.1

patchCircle generator

2 Sep 2021
pixel/generators 0.3

addedCircle generator
addedZoom/scale block size
addedImproved styles

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