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Minecraft Phantom NBT Data Tags
Using the summon command to spawn in a minecraft phantom is simple, take the command and enter into chat and presto you have an phantom.
How summon different sized Phantoms
Phantoms can be summoned at a range of sizes by setting the Size:1 tag.
Naturally spawned phantoms are always size 0. This example summons a larger phantom.
/summon minecraft:phantom ~ ~ ~ {Size:3}How summon a super giant sized Phantom
Phantoms can be summoned by setting the by setting the Size tag larger than the regular 3. A phantom the size of 20 is a giant to see. The limit appears to be Size:64
/summon minecraft:phantom ~ ~ ~ {Size:20}
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If you're looking for a particular summon mob generator you can link to these specific versions of the command generator.