Release 164 - Changes are on the way

Version History

Update Release 164
6 Mar 2024

Changes are on the way

Shocking news of Minecraft changing all the commands in 1.20.5 kind of ruined my week. I have been working away on fixing a number of bugs and adding a few new features, but now will need to reprioritise gettings the commands 1.20.5 compliant. I'm still working out the scope of the changes, so no indication of how long it will take. I'll try to post progress updates on the subreddit.

This update includes what was complete so far, I wanted to get these up and then focus on changes for 1.20.5.

minecraft/command-generator 2.14

addedBlock transformations for summon block display
addedNew attribute max_absorption
added1.12 support give based commands
patchIssue with drop chances