Minecraft : Signs Give Command Generator for 1.19 java


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Sign Command Maker Tool

Make a command that gives players prewritten signs with formated text. Set color and text style. Options to give, summon item, setblock, and falling block. When creating this custom sign command, the first step is to define the sign's content and format. This can be done by specifying the text, color, and style that the sign should have. For example, the sign could be made to display in bold, italicized text, or in a certain color to draw attention to important information.

Once the formatting has been defined, the command can be set up to give the sign to a player or place it at a specific location using the setblock command. In addition to giving players pre-written signs, the command can also include options to summon items or spawn falling blocks. Summoning a falling block creates a visual animation, when used with motion the sign can move in a direction.

Commands on signs

The command generator supports commands on signs. Use the link icon and select the action "run command", enter the command without the beginning slash. In most cases the command will need to be run with the execute command. There is a maximum of 1 command per sign line.

/give @a oak_sign[block_entity_data={id:oak_sign,front_text:{messages:['[{"text":"say hello","clickEvent":{"action":"run_command","value":"say hello"}}]','[""]','[" "]','[""]']}}] /give @a oak_sign{BlockEntityTag:{front_text:{messages:['[{"text":"say hello","clickEvent":{"action":"run_command","value":"say hello"}}]','[""]','[""]','[""]']}}}

Minecraft Versions Permalinks

If you find yourself using a particular version all the time, you can link directly. There is some crossover between versions, so there will be quirks.

Version History

7 Feb 2025
minecraft/command-generator 2.19.3

patchAdded item_name to all for rich text
patchAdded armor trim bolt, missed that one somehow

30 Jan 2025
minecraft/command-generator 2.19.2

patchSummon firework missing count 1 for 1.20.4 and earlier
patchSome consume tags should still be food tags

16 Jan 2025
minecraft/command-generator 2.19.1

addedFlow template to armor trim generator

12 Dec 2024
minecraft/command-generator 2.19

addedSuspicious Stew
addedBundles to container generator
patch1.21.4 signs
patch1.21.4 suspicious blocks
patchPredicates generation for, can destroy, can replace

Read version history »
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