Minecraft : Block Marker Particle Command Generator


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Colored Note Particle, Command Maker Tool

Block Particles, Block Marker Particles, Falling Dust Particles, Item Particles

Generate block, block marker, falling dust and item particles with this command maker tool that helps set which block or items to use for the particle effect.. These particles have an extra argument after the particle name that sets the block or item to use in display. Command blocks work well for theses.

Block, Block Marker, Falling Dust

The particles have a block id and an optional block state tag. The block id usually takes the main block texture to use for the particle. The block state will alter the appearance in some cases, for example crops age will change the look. In many other cases the block state will have no affect. Block states don't seem to affect falling dust.

The following particle block command will create a green wheat particles.
/particle block{block_state:{Name:wheat,Properties:{age:"3"}}} ~ ~1 ~ 0 0 0 0 1 /particle block wheat[age=3] ~ ~1 ~ 0 0 0 0 1

The following particle block command will create a brown wheat particles.
/particle block{block_state:{Name:wheat,Properties:{age:"7"}}} ~ ~1 ~ 0 0 0 0 1 /particle block wheat[age=7] ~ ~1 ~ 0 0 0 0 1

The following particle block_marker command will display a young green wheat icon particle .
/particle block_marker{block_state:{Name:wheat,Properties:{age:"3"}}} ~ ~1 ~ 0 0 0 0 1 /particle block_marker wheat[age=3] ~ ~1 ~ 0 0 0 0 1

The following particle block_marker command will display a ready to harvest brown wheat particle .
/particle block_marker{block_state:{Name:wheat,Properties:{age:"7"}}} ~ ~1 ~ 0 0 0 0 1 /particle block_marker wheat[age=7] ~ ~1 ~ 0 0 0 0 1

The following particle falling_dust command will display green dust, block state has no effect.
/particle falling_dust{block_state:{Name:wheat}} ~ ~1 ~ 0 0 0 0 1 /particle falling_dust wheat ~ ~1 ~ 0 0 0 0 1


As with blocks, item has an additional item id and also allows nbt data. However the nbt data has no effect. The item particle is similar to the block particle.

/particle item{item:{id:apple}} ~ ~1 ~ 0 0 0 0 1 /particle item apple ~ ~1 ~ 0 0 0 0 1

Version History

7 Feb 2025
minecraft/command-generator 2.19.3

patchAdded item_name to all for rich text
patchAdded armor trim bolt, missed that one somehow

30 Jan 2025
minecraft/command-generator 2.19.2

patchSummon firework missing count 1 for 1.20.4 and earlier
patchSome consume tags should still be food tags

16 Jan 2025
minecraft/command-generator 2.19.1

addedFlow template to armor trim generator

12 Dec 2024
minecraft/command-generator 2.19

addedSuspicious Stew
addedBundles to container generator
patch1.21.4 signs
patch1.21.4 suspicious blocks
patchPredicates generation for, can destroy, can replace

Read version history »
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