Version History Oddities

Version History

Update Release 151
12 Oct 2023

A salty update for potions and active effects on mobs

If you wondered why potions no longer worked and active mob affects were missing, it was because Mojang changed the way it worked. The 1.20.2 patch update renamed Effects to effects, CustomPotionEffects to custom_potion_effects, ActiveEffects to active_effects. Small but breaking changes. Thanks to redditor Thesuperdog225 for reporting this one.

This is a rushed out update, import for these nbt tags are a little broken. An update is planned to fix, but that will take a lot more time.

Also included in this update, data merge has been added for signs. I was planning more for this update but it was important to get potions working again as it is one of the more popular tools.

oddities/oddities 0.1

addedPointless Fun, Simulation, Paper vs Scissors vs Rock